The woman who rented the apartment to us in Peniche left us a list of places to visit. One of them was the National Palace in Mafra about an hour from here. I did some reading about it and learned it houses a very well known library.
National Palace of Mafra
During my reading I learned that tours of the library are by appointment only for certain people. So, I thought what the hectic, couldn't hurt to try. I sent an email and had a quick response that Jim and I could come today. The librarian's name is Clotilde Mendes. She met us on the first floor and, oh, what a tour----not only the library but the Palace, as well. The Palace has 1400 rooms and is 4 KM square. The cornerstone was laid in 1729 and was finished in 1746. The following are pictures of the library:
Geography Section.
Clotilde pulled a few books off the shelves and let us look at them--printed in the 1600 and 1700!!
They are in amazing shape. The Library is pretty much all archival--a holding place for history on many different subjects
Thinking of coming out of retirement? Awesome pics